Contract Vehicles

GSA Advantage
The full range of HART products expertise and capabilities are available to Government customers on the GSA’s Schedule 70 under Contract No. GS-35F-0349T. Click on the link below for detailed information.

Seaport Next Generation (Seaport-NXG)
HART provides services to the US Navy under Contract No. N00178-19-D-7754 on the NAVSEA SeaPort Next Generation (SeaPort-NXG) acquisition program.

HART has been a member of the DoD Ordinance Technology Consortium / National Armaments Consortium (DOTC-NAC) since 2016 and has successfully basketed a number of prototype whitepapers and successfully completed the associated tasking.

Naval Surface Technology & Innovation Consortium (NSTIC)
The Naval Surface Technology & Innovation Consortium (NSTIC) has established an Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) to engage industry and academia to develop and mature technologies in the field of surface technology innovation that enhance Navy mission effectiveness.